Interviews, Reviews and Results of Corset Training

The effects of corset training have been debated for several decades. It is not a new topic to discuss in these modern times. Corsets have been around for centuries and women, who are naturally drawn to all things beautiful, have discovered several ways to make them more appealing, decorative and even functional. In the realm of the practical, wearing corsets have been known to alter the female form significantly.

Some may argue that the effects are temporary, but you cannot deny the difference it makes for first use. Your body will look more trimmed, and you will discover curves that you didn’t know existed. It can make you more curvaceous while wearing a fitted dress even if your original body is thicker than most women. We think that wearing corsets has many advantages and disadvantages yet women are willing to accept them because the good outweighs the bad. (more…)

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Stealth Corseting: How to Disguise As If You Don’t Wear Waist Trainer

Stealth Corseting: How to Disguise As If You Don’t Wear Waist Trainer

Have you noticed the psychological tendency of women to hide the fact that they are trying to lose weight? They want to be nonchalant about the whole thing because if they let everyone know that they want to burn their excess fat, a sense of judgment is possible in the eyes of their fellow women.

We know a lot of women who are uncomfortable announcing that they are on a diet because if they fail, they will be ashamed that they haven’t lived up to what they said in the beginning. An issue of accountability over your actions and responsibility on your physical growth? Perhaps, it can be explained in that way. It could also be that women just want to maintain the mystery. Whatever the reason for them is hiding about such things, the important thing is that it is possible to conceal such activity through stealth corseting. (more…)

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It’s all in the Bones: Plastic and Steel Trainers

Corsets have a secret to their effectiveness. It’s all in the bones. They form the shape of the corsets so they can sculpt the body according to its desired figure. Since there are plastic and steel-boned corsets, women have the option to choose which is more suitable based on functionality and style. Pay attention to your body and its unique measurements because each woman has a different shape. Then, you can determine your purpose in wearing corsets so that you can choose between steel or plastic ones.

Let’s start with measurements… (more…)

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